Mobile Suit Gundam The Complete Version V1 Released
Nyaa Link:
After 4 years of researching the Gundam anime, researching navy/military terms, researching Imperial Japan, researching Yoshiyuki Tomino, creating multiple failed attempts at the project, and sending this through multiple test audiences, I've finally completed this fanedit.
Yes, it was a long time coming but it's time to finally release this to the world as there are no more edits I can think of to make me continue gatekeeping this.
A bit about this since you may not be familiar with what I have done.
This was a project that I took on in 2018 due to not being satisfied with the Gundam Movie Trilogy and Gundam TV series. While I highlight that here, and will make more posts about that on this blog, I ultimately wished to create an extended version of the Gundam movie trilogy with additional footage from the TV version.
Obviously not everything has been put back into each movie but all of them together add 2 hours and 34 mintues worth of footage spread across the 3 movies. I want to say though, all of the reinserted footage does add to the depth of the movie rather than being deadweight as the common misconception is with the removed scenes from the theatrical cut of the movie trilogy. In addition to adding scenes, some scenes are rearranged as well improving upon the presentation of some events. I won't go into each right now as I have separate posts about each change that will be presented throughout the year of 2023.
I will admit. I was being a bit of a perfectionist with this which is why it took a long time after promising a release. The delays were because I wanted this to be the definitive (fan) version of the original Mobile Suit Gundam series but I had a lot against me. I've never edited a movie before, not really even for YouTube or streaming and I'm not in the film industry. I have an elevated, but still, basic level of knowledge and understanding of how a movie should flow when it is created from scratch. As a result, there were tiny sequences that would annoy me for days and force me to quit for months at a time trying to figure out how to make a single scene work within the context of a movie as a concept and the context of the Gundam movie trilogy as a whole. I always kept the idea that I had to release this eventually but it was not the easiest time putting this together.
Me releasing this today in no way means I'm done with this. I'm releasing it though because, right now, there are some things I simply cannot fix without getting additional help. Since all of the scene selection, editing, and sequencing are finished, I hope to make a V2 with the help from other dedicated fans. I want this to not just be my contribution to the Gundam franchise but the fans' contribution as a whole. So anyone that sees anything that they think could be improved upon can always let me know whatever that may be and I am always able to collaborate. Below I have a few things I know did not turn out perfectly that I'd like to work out better next time:
Better Audio Mixing: There's some spots where the audio is rough. I'd like to point out that since this is a fanedit, this is not uncommon since I do not have access to the original materials to manipulate the audio in addition to the video. I tried my best over time to make sure that if you're watching the movie. that the immersion remains. There are some parts though I'm not sure if that can always be accounted for as there will be some spots that aren't as clear as the source audio. Since I had to restore soundtracks or add soundtracks from FLAC OSTs, the mixing may not always be as level as the source audio. This I know can be improved upon however so if anyone is willing to lend a hand I'm would like to know how to level the audio.
Subtitle timing is as good as I can make it but I employed a terrible method that I will never do again resulting in unnecessary timing and retiming. I QC'd, ORC'd and timed everything myself but the fact that I figured out a better method much later in production means that the script is not going to be perfectly timed as say the theatrical Movie Trilogy.
For those who wish to view the TV versions of the events that could not be integrated, presented with alternate plotlines, or were streamlined in this version, they are included in the “Alternative Versions and Episodes Not In The Movie” folder. For the sake of canon within the Universal Century, and the events of the original Mobile Suit Gundam series, the episodes in this folder should be considered non-canon. These are Kagura’s video and audio and EG’s subtitles based on the official NABD subtitles. They are presented as is. There is a .txt file on what is different about each of the episodes vs the theatrical version.
The extras included are the TV Version’s and Movie Trilogy’s extras I've found over the course of time compiled as one torrent and it can be found here.
Please enjoy this. I've put a lot of effort into it and was not hastily slapped together because I want old and new viewers to be able to enjoy this.
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