What are "Mobile Suit Gundam the Complete Versions"?
As an American, most Gundam fans watched the original Mobile
Suit Gundam series and saw it get the shaft many times whether it was through
-The Toonami Run (where Cartoon Network omitted the last few episodes,
then blamed it on 9/11.)
-The “unedited” DVDs of the time being the same as the
Toonami run's version with only an English dubbed release and missing an episode
-Never experiencing (unless you
still happen to own VHS tapes from 1998) the original 1981-1982 theatrical
audio for Mobile Suit Gundam I, II, and III. (Which still hasn't been resolved)
What’s amazed me the most since 2001 is that the Gundam
fanbase has be resilient in making sure the original Mobile Suit Gundam series from 1979 has gotten proper treatment even when other anime and Gundam fans have written it off. In fact, the above grievances western fans had were corrected due to the fanbase forcing it to happen. From the first fansubs of the original
series created in the late 2000s which then lead to proper officially released dual audio home video versions, to fansubbing the DVD (and later Blu Ray)
releases from Japan of the movie trilogy with the original audio intact, the fans have come
together to make the best experience for this amazing classic anime to continue to survive among Western fans now almost 2 decades into the 21st century.
I've thought to myself though, "I’ve played video games based on the
original anime that used a hybrid system where it pulled the entire story
of the Mobile Suit Gundam TV series and movie versions to make a “complete”
version. What would the anime version be like if it took this approach?" For example, Mobile Suit Gundam the One Year War for the PlayStation 2 does this. "Vote to Attack” occurs, the Adzam encounter does as well, and the Gyan
fight happen. These are omitted from the movie version for better or for worse but still present in the game. Why is that?
I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be cool if the anime was remade to actually have all the events like the video games do?", "What if somebody somewhere could just combine the existing footage from the TV and movie versions and make the extended versions for the hardcore of fans and for people who have never watched Mobile Suit Gundam?" "What if somebody could just make the fans who have decided to stick to one camp whether it was the TV version or the movie version and haven't tried the other to just see eye to eye with the other side and just get along?"
I asked myself those questions from above and waited (and waited) since 2009 asking the same questions each year. Finally after realizing that it's nearing the end of 2018 and nobody was going to do what I'd been thinking about for 9 years, I decided to take it upon myself and make the "complete" version I've thought of for
all this time so the fans of Mobile Suit Gundam could experience a new version.
My intention is to create a fan version that combines more of the original Mobile Suit Gundam TV series footage and rearrange some elements of the movie version. I intended to use this version for my own personal use and was going to replace both the theatrical and TV versions with this new version but I found that to be too selfish. This is too big of a idea to just leave to myself and I know that the fans will enjoy this version just as much if not more than the original versions of the anime. I know that because I've watched this series multiple times per year going back to when I was child in 2001 and I can tell you that this version I'm making is the one that I'll stick with forever because many of the problems of both the TV version and the movie version are fixed.
So...how's this going to work?
I will be using Mobile Suit Gundam I, Mobile Suit Gundam II Journey to Jaburo, and Mobile Suit Gundam III Encounters in Space as the base for this project and add in sequences, which are in the TV version but have been cut from the movie that are considered to be canon back into movie trilogy's footage. In some cases rearrangement of footage will need to occur to match canon presented across officially released Bandai video games and supplemental material so the events occur in proper order.
Because this will be a lot of work for one guy, and because I want this to be the best Mobile Suit Gundam experience ever, I will be, over the course of time be releasing "Beta versions" of each movie. These "Beta versions" will be rough drafts of the movie and will be complied into a final version utilizing input from commenters however many there might be. If you do participate in the beta, I'll make sure you're credited properly but you must let me know you participated whether it was through the website here or on Twitter.
Finally, no copyrights are intended to be broken with the creation of this project. This is a fan version that will be never be sold, or otherwise distributed in a way which will devalue the official releases worldwide and those who watch this version are encouraged to purchase the official releases where available as I have.
Can you survive it? We'll see!
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