Notes about the Upcoming Beta of Mobile Suit Gundam I The Complete Version

I'll be releasing a Beta 1.0 release of Mobile Suit Gundam I The Complete Version in the next 7 days. Please look forward to it.

Some notes about beta periods
1. These betas will have terrible video quality, with watermarks and will be hardsubbed. 
2. They will be in no way indicative of the final versions which will be 1080p with removable .ass subtitles. The final subtitles will try to accurately reflect the dialogue as presented even though they probably won't need to be tweaked that much since I'll be using the official subtitle sets from the movie version and TV version.

3. When I release these beta versions I'll keep them up for about a month or so then apply the suggestions to the movie if it is possible. Afterwards I'll release another beta with everything I could have done to fix it. A final beta with additional extras and then a final version. This puts that we'll probably see 4 months between releases.

4. If you participate in the beta and have a suggestion that you want worked into the movie, you must DM me on Twitter or email me ( to get proper credit. I will email or DM you back to let you know if it got added or not but I will need this step to be followed so I can interact with you and make sure you are properly credited for your idea.


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